Sunday, May 22, 2016

Duchy Outside

 Cute little Duchess playing outside.

                                  Duchess thinks this is her official portrait.

                                   Standing on a fan. She really thinks she is a princess.

                                 Under the porch

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Little Cat on the Prarie

I knitted Duchess a bonnet, just to look all cute... okay, and for a good blog post.
Really, though. She looks cute. Seriously.

                                 I put it on her when she was asleep so that she wouldn't
                                 try and pull it off and then chew it up.


                                   She yawned and yawned.

                                   And yawned and yawned.

                                   And yawned and yawned.

                                  Laura Ingalls Wildcat

                                 "What? Do I have a bonnet on my head or something?"

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Hazel: Everywhere in Every Way

Hazel is not such an outdoor cat anymore. At first, she was the one running around our 5+ acres, but she decided she liked being inside more. And it is not because she is lazy. Heck no, she is NOT lazy indoors. Here are some pictures to prove it. She is everywhere. In every place. She has found every hiding spot possible for a little cat like herself. Watch.

                                Yeah, I know, she's on a toilet.

                                  Even though she is on the toilet, isn't she adorable?

                                  Watching water come out fascinates her.

                                   I told you she was everywhere.

                                    On a bed...

                                   ...A nightstand reading Glencoe Life Science...

                                     ...In a bathroom... (Oh, hi! You can see me!)

                                  So scientific!

                                 On a bathtub...

                                    ...On a window sill...

                                And in Kyle and Kohlton's closet. Ta da!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Hazey the Lazy- Part II

 "Lazy art thou Hazey" -Unknown

                                  Yes, she doth be lazy.

                             Art thou to do something of means with thine life?