Thursday, May 19, 2016

Little Cat on the Prarie

I knitted Duchess a bonnet, just to look all cute... okay, and for a good blog post.
Really, though. She looks cute. Seriously.

                                 I put it on her when she was asleep so that she wouldn't
                                 try and pull it off and then chew it up.


                                   She yawned and yawned.

                                   And yawned and yawned.

                                   And yawned and yawned.

                                  Laura Ingalls Wildcat

                                 "What? Do I have a bonnet on my head or something?"


  1. HILARIOUS!! That is the funniest thing! She is so pretty and cute! Love the bonnet!!!

  2. And "So she won't chew it up" Ha ha.

  3. :) Yes, Laura Ingalls Wildcat sure looks cute in a bonnet!

  4. Was this done during school hours? Hmm... I'm just glad it is wonderfully done, and we have cute cats. Otherwise I might be upset with my talented, thoughtful, God loving and loved daughter.
